Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Download Dementia

I think I need to find a support group. Ever since I got my lovely new computer I have been downloading music non-stop. I am not kidding. I really think I have a problem. I wouldn't be so worried if I was actually downloading good music but I'm afraid I haven't gooten out of control.
Last night I was desperate to find a John Denver song that I hadn't heard in twenty-five years. John Denver, people! What the hell is wrong with me? How did my life nose dive like this? I was actually sitting up at 2 in the morning wading through John Denver's entire library of hits and I was so happy when I finally found it that I felt like I was high.
Okay, the first step is admitting you have a problem.
My name is Anna and I'm a Downloadaholic.


viki said...

You are funny. {:C)

shebytches said...

you ever going to update your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!