Thursday, February 08, 2007

Mama Karla

I haven't blogged in what seems like forever, but today I read an article that has me so angry that I cannot stop ranting about it.
I am and always have been a strong advocate for Human Rights, but I find myself at odds with Karla Holmolka, who apparently is a mommy now. Does anyone else find this as disturbing as I do? Here is a woman who spent twelve years in prison for raping, torturing and murdering three young girls, and who is now free to do as she pleases. This woman has never shown an ounce of remorse for the lives that she took, what right does she have to expect a normal life for herself? She is a cold blooded murderer that played, and continues to play, the victim card, and the media and the judicial system continue to lap it up. Poor Karla. She was probably ignored as a child, let's slap her on the wrist for kidnapping and raping and suffocatingKristen French. Sweet little Karla was beaten by her sadistic husband, let's just sweep Leslie Mahaffey's body parts under the rug, shall we? And adorable, naive Karla really had no idea what was going on when her sister Tammy wasn't breathing anymore...really. She would never harm anyone.
And now she apparently has a child to rear.
As I have stated, I am a human rights activist, but I believe this particular woman has no rights. She should not be out of prison and she should not be allowed to have any privacy whatsoever; people should be aware of her whereabouts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and she should never know a moment of 'normal' for the rest of her life.
But thanks to the judicial system, this monster is out and is now a mother. I only hope that this apple falls far from the tree.

1 comment:

shebytches said...

what's more sick is the man who married her. he is obviously aware of her past, yet was somehow, like all the others, seduced by her. even though still having a child with her.

shame on karla, shame on him, shame on society and pity the child!